terms of service

  • contact me at any of the social medias linked in the first page. I will send payment methods upon acceptance of the commission.

  • I have the right to refuse any commission with or without reason.

  • half price will be paid upon acceptance, and the rest upon completion of the commission.

  • I will update you when I start the piece, finish the lineart, flat colors, shading, and render.

  • you will get three free revisions before rendering. anything after that will cost $5. major revisions (50% or more of the piece) will cost $10.

  • you have the right to refund if I haven't updated you in more than three months. full refund if I've only done the sketch, less depending on how completed the work is.

  • I require some form of visual reference to work with before I accept. even if it's just a stick figure drawn in mspaint.


vandrier sheets require refs such as the ones below.
quality does not matter.

i will not use someone else's art as reference without their permission, accept AI references, or attempt to copy someone's artstyle

  • you may use my work for personal use only.

  • you may never use or sell my work for crypto, NFTs or put it into ai programs.

  • you may not use my work to spread bigotry or prejudice.

  • you may not sell my work without my permission.

  • you may not edit my work without my permission.

  • you may not claim my work as your own.

  • you may post my work on social media as long as some sort of link or tag to me is included.

  • i may post the finished work on social media. you reserve the right to request i do not, or provide links or a username to tag you.

  • upon completion of the commission I will send you a google drive link containing a hi-res image of the commission.

  • you must confirm in plain words with me that you have read and agreed to this tos before i will accept.

  • failure to comply by these rules with no explanation will result in your work being cancelled/refunded, your accounts being blocked, and possibly your name/users shared around in my circles.

wills & won'ts

  • sfw/suggestive

  • light nudity (requires age verification, won't do nudity of minors)

  • kinks/fetishes I'm comfortable with

  • simple mechs (such as low-detail bots or high-tech prosthetics/mobility aids)

  • humans/humanoids

  • furries

  • animals

  • my little pony

  • dead dove content

  • blood/light injury

  • ship art (depending on ship)

  • nsfw (just not very good at it)

  • kinks/fetishes I am not comfortable with

  • mechs

  • insects, most reptiles, birds (anthro or otherwise. not very good at it)

  • gore/horror

  • hateful or discriminatory intent

  • realism or chibis

  • overly cartoony animals (such as sonic)

  • real people (besides self-inserts)


  • how long can I expect you to take?

  • what if what I want isn't detailed in the wills/won'ts?

  • why are your prices so high?

  • depending on the level of detail and type of commission it could be from a few weeks to a few months

  • just ask! There's no hard feelings if it ends up being something I won't do

  • I'm disabled and suffer from chronic fatigue. work is much harder and takes much longer for me than it would another artist

  • shading and rendering are listed differently. why's that?

  • shaded typically means simple cell shading with or without a highlight/rim light,

  • rendered includes textures, colored lineart, and a more painted feel.

  • here's some examples!

  • the images on the price sheet didn't really convince me. do you have more I could look at?

  • sure!